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Free Training Announcement!

Watch my video below to find out all about my upcoming free training…. hint: it’s all about LinkedIn and designed to help you implement as

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What would you do?

What would you do if you knew you couldn’t “fail”? Recently I’ve been reminded that so many amazing things in our lives come as a

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Are You Open For Business?

Quick fact: we’re in a “reverse job market” Have you heard about the “reverse job market” at all?  Many experts are saying that we’re in

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broken glass
career coaching

The Fix for a Broken Career

“I need to fix my broken career Danielle”! This is a version of what I often hear from clients and business professionals seeking to make

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career coaching

How to Get Promoted

You’ve been working hard at your job for what seems like eons.  You’re getting great feedback from your bosses and colleagues. You feel like you’re

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