Let’s talk about free resume advice

July 3, 2023

It’s time to shed some light on a crucial aspect of your job search—your resume!

Specifically, I want to address some limitations of free resume advice.

We all appreciate free resources, and they can be a useful starting point.

I should know, after all, I share free career advice on a weekly basis including resume advice! 🤪

But something’s on my mind today, specific to mid-career resumes.

While I have plenty of recommendations and do’s and don’ts, they don’t work for every single mid-career situation.

And there are always exceptions to any rule.

You see, your resume is as unique as your career journey itself.

As unique as you are 🦄

It reflects your individual strengths and experiences.

And it also needs to align with the target role and lifestyle you want with your next opportunity!

This is where free resume advice, while helpful does have some limitations.

It can’t account for the specific nuances of your individual career situation and goals.

When you encounter conflicting advice, it’s not because the advice is necessarily wrong.

It’s likely because they’re speaking to a different set of circumstances.

This is precisely why working with a career coach (such as myself), can be a game-changer!

👉🏻 Resume advice is just the tip of the iceberg!

There’s so much more that goes into a successful job search.

That’s why having an expert coach guide you, taking into account your unique goals and situation can collapse the time it will take for you to get hired.

It also helps eliminate guesswork and frustration.

If you’re ready to explore how working together can help you get hired faster, I invite you to book a Get Hired Discovery session with me and my team.

Let’s have a conversation about your specific situation.

Let’s see how we may be able to help you create and execute a winning strategy to get you hired for your best role yet!

➜ Click here to book your Get Hired Discovery Session

Talk soon!