3 steps to interviewing with magnetic confidence

May 24, 2024

This week, I shared a special 3-part mini-series on Instagram on how to interview with confidence and wanted to share it with you today. 😉

Whether you’re navigating multiple interviews or gearing up for that first critical screening, interview skills are an absolute must in today’s competitive market!

Let’s dive in! 🔎

Step 1 - Mastering Your Mindset 🧠

Mindset is the MOST important part of succeeding in job interviews.

It’s the #1 reason professionals “bomb” their interviews! 💣

If you’re in mid-career and have 10+ years of experience under your belt, you have delivered compelling results for companies you’ve worked for.

But when people get tongue-tied in interviews or don’t access their best answers, it’s usually due to this:

They are telling themselves something (in their own head), that can negatively impact the interview. ❌

And it’s not your fault if this is happening to you! 🫂

It’s human nature.

And the good news is that it’s fixable.

You can google the “BEST” interview questions and answers all day long but if your mindset isn’t on point, you’ll likely not perform your best in interviews.

This not only means you’re unlikely to get the offer but even if you do get the offer, it’s likely not going to be all it could be from a total compensation standpoint.

The secret to performing in interviews is CONFIDENCE.

You can create that emotion for yourself, ahead of your interviews.

Step 2: The Power of Preparation ✍️

I’m not talking about just ANY preparation though.

I’m talking about preparing very specifically for EACH AND EVERY interview you secure.

Not just for each company you interview with.

I mean for each interview, even when you have multiple interviews with the same company.

This is one mistake I see mid-career professionals make once they start interviewing regularly.

➜ They map out their STAR interview stories.

➜ They research the company.

➜ They plan their answers to the toughest interview questions.

❌ They FAIL to prepare for each, single interview.

There’s a lot that can go wrong here, unfortunately 🤦🏼‍♀️

Each interview poses its own unique challenges.

❓ Who is the interview with?
⁉️ What stage of the process are you at?
🙋‍♀️ What type of interview are they conducting?

Failure to be 100% prepared can cost you the offer 😩

But when you prepare for each situation, you’ll feel more confident.

And you’re very likely to stand out.

It’s worth the extra planning, time, and effort.

Step 3 - Strategically Manage Your Interview Time 🧲

The trend is for much shorter interview times than in the past.

What this means is that you need to plan how you will manage that time.

Even if the interviewers typically ask most of the questions, there’s still much you can do to manage that time.

To do this strategically, think about:

🔝 What are the top problems they’re looking to solve with this role?
👋🏻 How have you specifically solved similar problems for past employers?
📕 How can you share specific stories that prove you have done it and can do it for them, in the most concise way possible?
🫵 What potential objections might they have to hire you and, how can you proactively counter those through the interview process?

This is how you can shine as a mid-career professional looking for your best role yet!

P.S.: If you’re looking for a new role and you’re not getting traction, I’d love to connect with you and invite you to book a call with us!

During this complimentary session, we cover:

✅ How to amplify your strengths through the interview process and position you as the best candidate for the most ideal offers.
✅ The 3 key strategies you can apply immediately to job searching now to get aligned results.
✅ How to leverage your LinkedIn profile so that it serves as an “interview magnet” that attracts your dream opportunities to you, without wasting dozens of hours on job boards.