Why what worked before… isn’t working now

May 31, 2024

Why what worked before… isn’t working now

Here’s a phrase I hear every single week as I talk to mid-career professionals:

The things I used to do to get hired to land amazing roles don’t seem to work anymore!!!

If you’re seeing this too, it’s not you and it’s not your imagination. 

What used to work to get hired is no longer effective.  

Why is that? 

The pandemic has brought massive changes to the job market that continue to impact us today. 

And, technology continues to evolve and even significantly disrupt the hiring process (hello ATS and AI!) 

We can either sit back and wish things were different. 

Or, we can work to figure out how to win through the new normal of rapid change. 

It’s something I’ve certainly had to deal with. 

First when I got laid off years ago and struggled to land 1 interview in my first 6 months 🙁

Then when I left corporate over 2 years ago to go full time in my current business I wasn’t sure how to market my services to larger audiences. 

Both times, I was frustrated that “nothing was working”. 

And both times, I decided I was going to figure it out. And I did. 

But not by myself. 

I decided to invest in high-touch support with experts in their fields. 

These felt like scary investments for me to make at the time. 

But something in me knew I wasn’t getting it done by myself, things were continually changing and, I was wasting precious time and energy trying to figure it out, all-by-myself. 

I felt stuck and I was spinning. 

I leaned in and hired coaches to show me the shortcuts, and share their secret recipes with me!

That’s how I landed multiple job offers in a day when I got laid off. 

That’s how I transitioned to my business full-time, earned more than I did in corporate, and went on to help over 150 professionals get hired in today’s market. 

If you’re in a place where you’re not gaining any traction in your search, it could be time to consider leaning into expert support. 

Learning the skills for getting hired in today’s market is career and life-changing. 

If you’d like to learn what support could look like, I invite you to book a call with us, find out more via the button below: 

During this complimentary session, we cover:

✅ How to amplify your strengths through the interview process and position you as the best candidate for the most ideal offers.
✅ The 3 key strategies you can apply immediately to job searching now to get aligned results.
✅ How to leverage your LinkedIn profile so that it serves as an “interview magnet” that attracts your dream opportunities to you, without wasting dozens of hours on job boards.