Client Case Study: how Karan landed an exciting, higher-paying role

January 8, 2024

There’s no better way to celebrate in my mind than by sharing my most recent client case study with you 🔥

I share these because sometimes, we need to see what’s possible to believe we can also achieve a specific goal.  

Especially these days, when it comes to landing a new amazing role in a competitive job market. 

Watch my short video with my client Karan and find out… 

❌ How before working together, he was applying to jobs online, reaching out to people on LinkedIn, and getting a 10% response rate.

❇️ After starting our work together, his response rate in his search shot up to 30-40%!

❇️ How he was surprised with how current, effective, and strategic our program is 

❇️ How he landed a new role with TikTok after hitting a plateau working at Amazon for 10 years

He also secured a significant boost in compensation 🤑

The ROI from his investment in working together is incredible and will only compound over the next 10 years.

You can watch the 7-minute video here and see for yourself. 

But at first, he hesitated, he had to think about making the jump yet, what he was doing in his job search was not working. 

It’s as they say: you don’t know what you don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️

And once you know it, you know it for the rest of your life. 

In this case, once you learn how to get hired in any market, you know it for the rest of your career. 

That puts you in control.

Whatever the market brings, you can navigate it when you’re equipped with knowledge and confidence.

If you’re not where you want to be with your career, January is a great time to take the leap and figure out how to get exactly what you want.

Companies will be ramping up hiring this month, there’s always a surge early in the new year for hiring so there’s time for those new hires to positively impact the business this year.

Want to collapse the time and effort it will take you to land your best role yet?

I invite you to book a chat with me! See details in the P.S. below.

Here’s to a successful 2024! 🍾

P.S.: take advantage of the January hiring surge, book a call with us, and see if we can help you.

During this complimentary session, we cover:

✅  The 3 key strategies you can apply immediately to job searching now to get aligned results.
✅  How to leverage your LinkedIn profile so that it serves as an “interview magnet” that attracts your dream opportunities to you, without wasting dozens of hours on job boards.
✅ How to amplify your strengths throughout the hiring process and position you as the best candidate for the most ideal offers.