How Amanda Landed Her Dream Job in 29 Days

April 12, 2024

Today, I’m excited to share with you the inspiring success story of Amanda, who made a significant leap in her career recently working with us in our Get Hired Formula program. 

Amanda’s story is a powerful demonstration of how you can turn around a frustrating job search into a huge win landing the exact role she wanted. 

Before our work together…

  • She was caught in the job search maze, applying to a broad range of roles, leading to frustration and limited progress.
  • She had applied to 100+ roles, securing a 10% interview rate but wasn’t moving beyond initial screening interviews.
  • Her resume and LinkedIn profile were not optimized for the role she wanted and, didn’t appeal to potential employers.

Amanda had been job searching unsuccessfully for 3+ months before investing in our program. 

Together, we: :

  • Honed in on her ideal target role and streamlined her applications to roles that matched her skills and ambitions.
  • Perfected her interview skills, boosting her confidence through 1:1 coaching and crafting optimal and authentic responses to the toughest interview questions.
  • Overhauled her resume and LinkedIn profile to get through the ATS, helping her to stand out as a compelling candidate for her desired role.

The outcome was nothing short of remarkable!

Amanda landed her dream role in 29 days, with a promotion and a close to 20% increase in compensation!

The ROI from her investment in the program is tremendous! 

Not only did she significantly shorten the time for her to get hired, but she also got her investment back multiple times over with the pay increase that will pay back for years to come too!

Amanda’s story is a testament to what’s achievable with expert guidance, and a focused approach. 


I’d like to ask you, what could your NEXT CHAPTER look like if you had a clear plan and system to follow like Amanda? 

  • What could an optimized resume and LinkedIn profile do for your job search?
  • What would happen if you started getting invited for interviews for attractive roles,  multiple times a week? 
  • Where could you be with your career in 30, 60, or 90 days with support and guidance? 

If you want to find out more about what support could look like for you…

To your success!