January 15, 2019

Are you feeling less than jazzed about your career these days? 

If you’re anything like many of my clients, the new year often tends to bring out a lot of questions related to their career path and prospects. 

Questions like these: 

  • Am I loving my current work, company, contribution?
  • Should I think about making my next career move? 
  • Would I be happier in another role or company? 
  • Is this work what I’m meant to be doing for the next several years… for the rest of my life?
  • Am I happy with the lifestyle I’m leading? 
  • Is my work/life balance in check?
  • Could I be earning more with another role or another company?
  • How amazing would be if I could find a high paying role that would allow me the flexibility of working from home?

The last few questions were ones that a recent client of mine pondered midway through last year. 

After several years in an amazing role and company, he started to get restless  about a commute that had him driving over 2 hours a day, just to get to and from work, on a good day. 

He started to wonder if his life would be more balanced if he gained back that time, which when you do the math adds up to 40+ hours commuting each month! 

That’s basically an extra week per month spent driving to and from work. 

The added strain and escalating costs started to wear on him to the point where he made the decision it was time for a career change, time for a lifestyle upgrade. 

Together, we devised a plan of attack. 

We put in place a 6 step plan that landed him the perfect 6-figure role, working from home, 80% of the time. 

This may or may not be your personal goal but, whatever your career goal is, the steps are the same. 

Here they are!


1- Get clear on the role and lifestyle YOU want

2- Create a killer, attention-grabbing resume that spells out exactly how you GOT RESULTS for past employers and THE EXACT PROBLEMS you solved for them

3- Leverage LinkedIn

4- Reach out: let your network know that you’re open to new opportunities. Reach out to top recruiters in your field. Pursue suitable job openings with a strategy that gets your foot in the door for an interview. 

5- Master interviewing skills

6- Learn to negotiate confidently

A lot goes into these steps, more than an article like this one can cover and the reality is that each person’s situation will be different.  

Which is why it can be so beneficial to work with a coach. 

There’s still a lot that can be learned through articles, videos and trainings which is why I’ll be covering these steps in detail here over the next few weeks. 

If you can’t wait for the training though as you’re eager to land your new position this year, then go ahead and book your career strategy session by clicking right here

Hope to talk to you soon!

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