The interview secret no one told you about

July 19, 2024

If you’ve been job searching and interviewing over the last little while, you might have noticed a trend:

Interviews are much shorter these days!

The norm used to be 45-60 minute interviews with the hiring manager.

Now it’s common for it only to be 30 minutes.

That goes by quickly, especially if you’re interviewing for a senior position.

How are you supposed to showcase 15-20+ years of experience and excellent track record in only 30 minutes?

You need to do 2 things:

1-  You MUST be concise
2-  You need to manage your interview time in a strategic way

Being concise takes practice for most of us.

Especially in an interview situation where nerves can get the better of us and have us ramble and lose their attention.

It helps to focus on what will be interesting to them and cater our answers accordingly.

With strategically managing your interview time, you need to prepare beyond how to best answer their questions.

You need to think about this:

➜ What are the key things they need to know that position me as the candidate to hire?

➜ What are potential objections they may have about me as the top candidate for the role?

And find ways to strategically address these as you answer their questions.

Here’s an example specific to countering potential objections they may have.

You’re interviewing for a role as a Senior Marketing Manager.

You got laid off from a Marketing Director role 6 months ago.

You’re clearly qualified for the position.

They may think you’re overqualified.

They may think that if they were to offer you the position, you might take it “for now” because you’re off work and then leave them as soon as you find something “better”, like a new Director position.

Even if they don’t directly ask you any questions about this, it’s your job to find a way to strategically and proactively address this in the interview.

This type of situation can literally cost you the offer if not addressed.

But because most of the time they won’t directly ask you about something like this, you must find a way to weave into your answers that this role is the perfect next step in your career at this time in your life.

When it’s addressed proactively, in a genuine way, and you also focus your interview time on the top elements that best position you for the role, they’re likely to see you as the top candidate they would be lucky to hire.

If you’re ready to get hired for your best role yet and learn how to strategically interview with confidence and get the offer…

During this complimentary session, we cover:

✅  The 3 key strategies you can apply immediately to job searching now to get aligned results.
✅  How to leverage your LinkedIn profile so that it serves as an “interview magnet” that attracts your dream opportunities to you, without wasting dozens of hours on job boards.
✅ How to amplify your strengths throughout the hiring process and position you as the best candidate for the most ideal offers.