A proven system to create an irresistible LinkedIn profile

+ the effective strategies to use it and generate interviews and attractive offers




5 Step LinkedIn Profile Blueprint to land interviews and ideal role offers

  • Start mobilizing attention with a powerful LinkedIn profile, and stop being overlooked when applying to new roles  
  • Develop a profile quickly that showcases you as the ideal candidate for attractive roles
  • Boost your LinkedIn profile ranking so recruiters start contacting you about new, relevant opportunities
  • Create a compelling personal brand that commands recruiters' and hiring managers’ attention and secures more interviews for dream roles
  • Beat ageism with a compelling LinkedIn profile that creates demand for your expertise and helps further your career goals

Also includes powerful, time-saving bonuses!

LinkedIn email strategies and scripts, Ultimate Interview Cheat Sheets, Profile Self-Audit & Profile Header Template that will stand out as the top candidate for the perfect role!

Total Value - Over $297!


This offer is not available anywhere else

at this low price, don't miss out!

Today's job market is competitive... and sometimes not friendly to mid-career candidates.

Recruiters and hiring managers check out LinkedIn Profiles and judge them in seconds.

To break through, it's not enough to have amazing experience or a great resume.

A LinkedIn Profile that showcases unique and relevant experience is a must!

And, it can easily be done in a couple of hours, with this program.

Most mid-career professionals know they need

LinkedIn to attract new opportunities but…

  • They’re “on” LinkedIn, and applying to interesting roles yet, rarely get called in for interviews
  • They feel awkward trying to “network” on LinkedIn… what should they even say or do and how is that supposed to help them get hired exactly?  
  • They’re just not sure what to put where in their LinkedIn profile
  • They don't have enough hours in the day to get it all done!

The LinkedIn Profile Toolkit

5 Step Blueprint that Gets it Done Quickly!

Here's What's Included

LinkedIn Profile Blueprint

That Lands Interviews and Job Offers

Starting from scratch or just need to update your profile? I've got it covered!

The step-by-step instruction videos cover exactly what to include and where to strategically place everything in order to make recruiters and hiring managers want to meet and interview you!

Activate Your LinkedIn Profile

Hate networking? I get it and I've got you!

Jumpstart the magic of LinkedIn with powerful strategies and action steps that boost visibility and get your application seen without the icky feeling brought on by endless networking.

This is how candidates actively boost their chances of beating the competition and getting selected for job interviews!

Done-for-You Emails and DM Scripts

Use my non-pushy DM scripts to reach out via LinkedIn and boost the odds of getting interviews.

Includes ice-breaker scripts when first reaching out, requests for introductions and recommendations, and how to write directly to a hiring manager and get job applications up to the top of the pile!

Beat Ageism Head-On

Create an ageless LinkedIn profile and combine it with proven, easy strategies and tips that ensure age doesn't get in the way of getting noticed and considered for the most attractive roles.

Enjoy the perks of an All-Star LinkedIn Profile

All-Star profiles rank higher in searches made by recruiters and hiring managers.

Learn how to gain that "All-Star" profile banner that gets flagged to recruiters actively looking for candidates to fill open positions.

Standout with Designed, Ready-to-Use Profile Header Graphics

Use the pre-made header template and quick video tutorial to create a customizable LinkedIn profile header that stands out from other candidates.

Get more profile views and beat ageism demonstrating tech-savviness, all very attractive qualities that draw hiring managers in!

Bonus: Ultimate Interview Cheat Sheet

Interview with confidence with the exact strategies on how to answer the top 7 toughest & most asked job interview questions that generate job offers for dream roles.

Client Success Stories

Imagine the possibilities...

Getting emails from recruiters asking if you'd be interested in discussing a job opening they're looking to fill!

Standing out on LinkedIn with hiring managers calling about opportunities for an attractive role at a target company!

Hiring managers reaching out via LinkedIn, selling their job openings, hoping to get your attention for that ideal role!

What if...

It was crystal clear how to standout on LinkedIn to secure job interviews for the exact desired role?

There was no more confusion or questions about what to focus on with LinkedIn?

This could all be accomplished in just a few hours?

What Makes me an Expert with LinkedIn?

I'm Danielle Bradley, a career coach who loves helping mid-career professionals get hired for their best, most fulfilling role in the second half of their career.

After a sudden lay-off, I leveraged and mastered LinkedIn and job search strategies to secure multiple 6-figure job offers in my late forties and later, in my early fifties.

I bring 20+ years of corporate experience as a senior sales leader with global multinational corporations such as Clorox, Hallmark, and Weber.

Today, I help my clients get hired fast in midlife, making sure their new role fits their dream lifestyle.

My programs are known to jumpstart my client's job search and, get results way faster than going alone.

I want to be sure you love it!

Let me take all of the risk out for you.

If you buy this amazing program today, you're 100% covered by our 7-day money-back guarantee.

If you decide at any point over the next 7 days that this program wasn't worth at least the small investment you're making today, simply email us and let us know so we can process your refund.


Frequently Asked Questions

When does this start?

You get access to all the training materials right away. After purchase, login credentials to the member portal will be sent to your inbox right away for immediate access.

Who is this for?

This is ideal for professionals wanting to grow their careers faster. LinkedIn is the #1 tool for job seekers today and continues to grow. Without the right LinkedIn profile, we're invisible to hiring managers looking for candidates for our ideal role.

Do I get access to everything at once?

Absolutely! Plus I often upgrade the program to include the latest features.

What if I have other questions?

Contact us at and we'd be happy to answer any question.

What is your refund policy?

If you buy this amazing program today, you're 100% covered by our 7-day money-back guarantee.

If you decide at any point over the next 7 days that this program wasn't worth at least the small investment you're making today, simply email us and let us know so we can process your refund.