It’s Not Your Fault

November 13, 2020


Not getting any, or not getting enough job interviews? 

Chances are, it’s not your fault!

I see this all the time with my coaching clients and students. 

If you’re reading this, I suspect you have a lot in common with them. 

You have amazing skills and experience and you’ve worked hard to get to where you are right now. 

In fact, you might be very modest about your skills and experience and what you’ve been able to achieve so far in your career. 

And, you have what you believe is a great resume. 

You may have even gotten professional help with crafting it. 

Yet, when you apply to roles that you’re qualified for, most of the time, you don’t make it to the interview. 

And you’re left wondering… what on earth are you missing? 

If this is you, chances are that your resume is not hitting the mark and in turn, not getting read and not generating job interviews for you. 

This is where what you don’t know can hurt you!

While most people think they have a “good enough” resume, the reality is that only 5-10% of people have one. 

And they’re the ones getting selected for interviews. 

Whether they have the right skills and experience or not…

This is such a shame!

After all, a resume is just a piece of paper (these days, it’s a digital one of course).

But it’s a crucial document that when done right, opens so many doors! 

If you want to know if your resume is “good enough”, I invite you to ask yourself these questions.

Does you resume have the following elements?

1- Is it geared specifically to your target role?

2- Is it easy to read, does it have enough white space? 

3- Does it showcase you as an expert in your field?

4- Does it clearly demonstrate the problems you solve for employers?

5- Is it full of your on-the-job accomplishments?  

6- Does it highlight your “special sauce” = what you’re know for = your personal brand?

If you answer “NO” to any of the above, it’s highly likely that your resume is not hitting the mark and, is actually preventing you from getting job interviews for your ideal role. 

The good news is, there is help available for you. 

If you haven’t already done so, check out my Resume Booster where I help you fix several of the issues above to help boost your chances of making it to the interview. 



If you want to explore what might be getting in the way of your dream job or career, then we need to talk!

You can book a free, no obligation consult call with me - just click below to get on my calendar: