History repeating itself

September 27, 2024

The fall surge is alive and well… (it’s the second busiest hiring season of the year).

In the last few weeks, we’ve seen several clients land offers, some in just a few short weeks of working with us, most in less than 90 days.

We saw this same trend happen last year with many clients landing offers in September after searching over the Summer.

I’m noticing some common threads with clients who are landing offers in less than 90 days:

1- They get and stay focused on their goal
2- They take consistent action, even when it’s uncomfortable
3- They focus on building a pipeline of opportunities vs. putting all of their hopes onto 1 or 2 interesting roles

It’s not all rainbows and daisies.

It can feel like a roller-coaster even when they land an offer in just a few weeks.

There’s painful rejection. Frustration. Ghosting. Fake jobs (yikes, it’s a thing now).

And getting to the final interview stage only to be told you’re not “the chosen one”.

The faster they’re able process those emotions and get back on the job search horse, the faster they can enjoy being in a new role.

Sometimes, no matter what you do, it can take longer to land just the right position.

There’s nothing wrong with you if that’s happening for you.

And sometimes it’s better to hold off and wait for the right opportunity for you.

If landing a new, fulfilling role is taking way longer than you’d like, the question to ask yourself is this:

Am I doing all I can to get myself seen and gain access to opportunities?

That doesn’t mean job searching 50-60 hours a week! (that would be depleting and depressing).

It means doing the hard, uncomfortable things that will maximize your efforts.

✅ Like contacting the former colleague you haven’t talked to in over a year and asking if they can connect you to opportunities.

✅ Like optimizing your LinkedIn profile and being active on the platform to get seen by recruiters without getting distracted by the newsfeed.

✅ Like going deep into interview strategy and preparation to make sure you’re presenting yourself in a way that clearly shows the value you will deliver.

The prize (the new role!) is on the other side of the discomfort.

But you don’t have to do it alone.

If you’re ready to take control of your job search and start seeing real results, we’re here to help.

Whether you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or unsure of your next steps, our proven strategies can get you back on track and help you land the role you deserve—faster and with less stress.

Let’s make sure you’re doing the right things that will actually move the needle in your job search.

Click the button below to book a free consultation call and let’s get started on securing your next great role!

P.S.: Lorri is one of those clients who landed a role recently. She went from a long-time business owner to landing a new role in 54 days 🚀

Watch her success story here for a boost of inspiration!