Having a case of déjà vu

August 19, 2024

Around this time last year, we saw a surge of clients land job offers to start roles in September.

I wasn’t surprised as it’s a known fact that the two busiest hiring seasons are September and January.

It’s happening again this year.

Several of our clients have been actively looking for new roles through the summer and, are seeing a ramp up of interviews and, job offers!

It’s too early to share all of their success stories but I wanted to give you a sneak peek into what’s possible right now when you do this job search thing right, with our support and guidance:

✅ One client was excited to have recruiters contacting him for interviews shortly after optimizing his LinkedIn profile (with our method and customized recommendations). This was after not getting any “bites” for months, before implementing our system.

✅ Another client just received a verbal offer, and is in the process of negotiating it, so excited for her!

✅ Another client emailed me yesterday to let me know he’s had 7 interviews since our last session!!! Can’t wait to see what amazing opportunity he’ll land!

✅ Finally, another client is in the final stages with 2 companies with a high potential of landing competing offers in the next two weeks.

Why am I sharing these stories with you?

Because in this market, it’s easy to see all the challenges, the layoffs, the tough competition and think that it’s just not possible to land a new, attractive role right now.

The truth is that IT IS POSSIBLE.

I see it every day with our clients.

If you want to take advantage of the second busiest hiring season of the year, it's time to consider a different approach than what you've been doing!!!

Let’s do this, let’s finally have that talk and see if we can help you. See if we might be a fit to work together and help you land the role you want and deserve.

You can book a complimentary session with us right now and get started before Labour Day.

During this complimentary session, we cover:

✅  The 3 key strategies you can apply immediately to job searching now to get aligned results.
✅  How to leverage your LinkedIn profile so that it serves as an “interview magnet” that attracts your dream opportunities to you, without wasting dozens of hours on job boards.
✅ How to amplify your strengths throughout the hiring process and position you as the best candidate for the most ideal offers.

Let’s do this together 🤗