Feeling stuck in your career? Here’s why

August 30, 2024

I’ve been hearing from many successful professionals lately who are feeling stuck in their careers.

They’ve been working for the same company or in similar positions for several years and, are just not happy at work 😩

I can relate. I experienced this several years ago while still in the corporate world.

From the outside, it looked like I had it all. Great job, good money, car allowance, benefits, and PTO.

But on the inside, I had the following thoughts….

➜ I can’t see myself doing this for the next few years, certainly not until it’s time to RETIRE!
➜ Why can’t I be happy with what I have, what’s wrong with me?
➜ What would I even do, where would I even want to work?
➜ What if I make a move and it’s not better than my current situation?

I agonized over this for years.

I felt stuck, unmotivated, anxious, fearful, and, sometimes depressed.

Eventually, I had the opportunity to work with an executive coach.

He helped me boost my leadership and executive skills.

But he also helped me see that I wasn’t living up to my full potential.

The biggest thing that was holding me back?


I had worked hard to get where I was. Blood, sweat, and tears hard at times.

And what if I made a move and failed after having such success?

This was holding me back.

It was keeping me stuck in a role that was no longer a fit for what my heart desired.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If you’re in a role you no longer love, you have two choices:

You can change how you think and feel about it.

Or you can make a change.

If #2 appeals to you but fear is holding you back, you owe it to yourself to explore what may be.

That’s what I did and completely transformed my career and life.

I’m so grateful to that coach who helped me see what was going on for me back then. Who helped me see I was the one holding myself back.

If any of this resonates, it’s time to explore what may be. We can help.

Let’s have a no-obligation conversation, the link to book it is below.

Have a wonderful day and Labour Day weekend!