Career Clarity in Midlife

April 1, 2022

A recent one-on-one coaching client of mine shared some things that she felt had changed since we started working together a few weeks ago. 

When she reached out to me to explore working together, she felt stuck. 

I’m sure many of you can relate, I know I’ve felt this way at certain times in my career!

The “stuck” feeling she had was combined with pain from recent job losses that both she and he husband had suffered.  

Unfortunately, she’d been in that funk for months and even though she had been looking for new work, nothing was “working”, she wasn’t getting many interviews and when she did, they didn’t lead to any job offers.

It was all quite puzzling and muddy for her. 

For me, it was all too clear… I’d been there myself and witnessed many clients go through the misery of being in that spot whether they’d suffered a job loss or were in roles they didn’t love anymore. 

Being in a state with our work where we have unresolved, negative emotions tied to past or current circumstances typically leads to feelings of

➡ Confusion

➡ Hesitation

➡ Lack of Confidence

➡ Or even sadness, depression or despair


From that place, we're not able to clearly see where we want to go next

This was happening for my client. 

She had trouble not only deciding what she wanted to go after for her next role but she was even confused about who she was…

So much of our identity is tied to our work, it’s no wonder this was happening for her. 

The first order of priority was to unravel the events that led to her feeling this way. 

It’s the type of “onion peeling” that can be painful and make you cry. 

But on the other side of it, there’s amazing goodness!

For her, it meant not only gaining clarity of her next career steps. 

She told me:  

"I finally feel like I know who I am and, what I want.
And I like me."

Now we’re getting somewhere…

From that place, anything is possible 🤩

Like big, massive, exciting career moves that make midlife worth living FULLY!

I don’t yet know what she will create for her career but I can’t wait to find out, it’s going to be amazing, I just know it! 

If you’d like to explore what your next career move could be and how to make it happen asap, let’s chat!

You can book a free consultation with me. It’s 30 minutes that will help give you clarity of your next steps & can totally change the course of your career forever.

Just click the link below to book, cannot wait to meet you!