5 Day LinkedIn Challenge

The Step By Step Challenge That Gets It Done.

Day 1 - Your Photo

1. Watch the DAY 1 Video.

2. LinkedIn Privacy: watch this video to update your LinkedIn Privacy Settings - very important for this challenge so that people you're connected to on LinkedIn don't get updates every day about the changes you are making to your profile just yet.

3. Do your homework below!



1. Watch the DAY 2 Video.

2. Watch this video to see exactly how to create those important KEYWORDS you will need for this step:

3. Do your homework below!


DAY 3 - YOUR Summary

1. Watch the DAY 3 Video.

2. Create your summary.

3. Catch up from Day 1 & Day 2 if needed.


DAY 4 - YOUR Work History

1. Watch the DAY 4 Video.

2. Create your work history and add it to your LinkedIn Profile.


DAY 5 - YOUR "Extras"

1. Watch the DAY 5 Video.

2. Create your extras and add them to your LinkedIn Profile.



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