3 signs you’re playing small in your career

September 6, 2024

This week I’m at a business mastermind in the south of Spain, learning and exchanging with some truly amazing entrepreneurs.

It’s something I had wanted to do for years, so grateful I leaned into the opportunity to join!

One of the entrepreneurs here shared his story when he faced a life and death situation.

He’d been a successful executive and suddenly found himself in hospital, receiving a devastating cancer diagnosis 😥

He managed to beat cancer, in spite of being told he wouldn’t make it.

On the other side of it, he had an epiphany that led to him completely changing the course of his life and career 😇

He left corporate behind, launched a new business, aligned with his true life purpose, and quickly ramped up to create incredible success.

His story is so inspiring, reminding us that we might not want to wait for a devastating diagnosis to evaluate if we’re on the right path!

It also brought home to me the many times I’ve played small and played it “safe” in my career.

Playing small is when you know deep down that you’re capable of more yet something stops you from leaning into it.

Lack of confidence or clarity, fear, doubt and deeply engrained perceived limitations can prevent us from reaching our full potential.

But how can you tell if you’re holding yourself back?

Here are three signs that you might be playing small in your career and what you can do to change course.

1. You’re Not Challenged Anymore

If you find yourself going through the motions at work, doing tasks that don’t push you or help you grow, it could be a sign that you’re playing it safe.

When was the last time you felt excited or challenged by a project? A lack of challenge often means you’ve outgrown your current role.

Take a moment to reflect on what truly excites you about your career.

Is it learning new skills, taking on bigger responsibilities, or perhaps leading a team?

Once you identify what energizes you, start looking for opportunities within your organization or even consider a new job that aligns with these passions.

2. You Settle for "Good Enough"

A clear sign of aiming too low is when you settle for a job that meets the bare minimum of your needs but doesn’t excite or fulfil you.

If your inner dialogue sounds like, “This is good enough for now,” you’re likely settling.

Reevaluate your career goals and ambitions. Are they aligned with your values and what you truly want for your future?

Create a plan that includes actionable steps toward roles or opportunities that challenge you and offer more satisfaction.

3. You Avoid Taking Risks

Avoiding risks—like declining a stretch assignment or not applying for that dream job because you’re afraid you won’t get it—keeps you playing small!

Fear of failure is often behind this and limits your career growth and satisfaction.

Start by taking small, calculated risks that push you just beyond your comfort zone.

It could be volunteering for a new project, reaching out to a mentor for advice, or applying for a job that seems slightly out of reach.

With each step, you’ll build confidence and open up new possibilities.

Playing small or aiming too low might feel safe, but it never leads to a fulfilling career.

If any of these signs resonate with you, take it as a nudge to reassess your career path and start aiming higher.

Remember, the biggest risk is often not taking any risks at all.

Ready to explore new possibilities and break free from your comfort zone?

Let’s chat!

Book a call with us today to get started on the path to your best role yet!